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Our top priority is the safety and wellbeing of our staff and customers. We want to ensure that you are able to enjoy the thrill of karting without any concerns. With that in mind we have enhanced our safety procedures and introduced new hygiene protocols which will minimise risk without interrupting your enjoyment.

Daytona Raceway is an outdoor sporting activity venue with strict health and safety protocols in place. We closely monitor and adhere to all Cypriot Government COVID-19 guidance.
Outdoor non-contact sports are permitted for all age groups, and we are able to provide a safe and fun environment for all.
All bookings must be confirmed in advance. This allows us to closely manage the number of drivers each day.
Owner drivers can book their practice / testing days by calling 
We have strict social distancing rules in place to ensure you do not come into close contact with other drivers. At no point will you be less than 2 meters in distance, for more than 15 minutes to others. We have multiple hand santiser stations in and around the venue and ask that you use these on a regular basis.
Daytona Raceway is an outdoor motorsport circuit and therefore you will not be in an enclosed space with other individuals for prolonged periods of time.

We request that you arrive 15 minutes before your allocated booking time. However, if you do arrive at the circuit earlier, you must remain in your vehicle. This allows us to properly manage and monitor the number of visitors closely.

We have ample parking , we ask that you make use of the space and do not park directly next to other vehicles.

All drivers will have their temperature measured on arrival and are asked to complete a symptom questionnaire.  Entry will be denied if your temperature is over the governments prescribed limit, if you are experiencing any symptoms and / or have been in contact with anyone with symptoms in the last 14 days.

All equipment will be sanitized after every use:
•    Helmets will be sprayed with antibacterial spray and placed on an Ozonized Sterilizer and not used for 48 hrs after each use.
•    Balaclavas are mandatory and these cover your mouth and nose. They will be provided to all customers clean and sterilized upon  arrival. 
•    All karts will be fully sanitized after each use.
Our team have symptom and temperature checks daily, and will regularly sanitize and wash their hands throughout your visit. We have an appointed COVID-19 officer who monitors and manages all processes to ensure we remain a COVID-19 safe facility.

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